Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Global Warming

Global warming is a subject the government has ignored for many years. Why? Because there is always something more pressing. Every time we get an alarming and scary update on this situation that is observed to happen the subject is brought up, but then it automatically fades away and we go back to focusing on absurd things. Global warming is a serious issue we should all take into consideration. It would be very helpful if the idea would be considered and well discussed by presidential candidates, to come up with a possible solution, because there is several solutions to decrease global warming such as cleaning up America's dirtiest power plants, reducing carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gas emissions and many more solutions. One of the reasons why the government denies the idea of fighting global warming is because they will spend a lot of money doing this, but the government is already spending money on things that are less important. And what is more important spending billions of dollars on such things as building a bigger wall or fence to keep out illegal migrants or our health? and finding a way to protect our children's future? Global warming possesses a real threat and enforcing a movement as soon as possible is better than waiting, because the longer we wait to do something the less change we will see. The fact that the government avoids this subject is why it is up to us to take action in order to have a healthier atmosphere.When the public leads, our leaders will, eventually follow.


1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you about global warming and the dangers it presents.For over 150 years we have been studying temperature levels; we are even able to drill in ice caps and study Carbon Dioxide levels back 600,000 years. Human greenhouse gas emissions warm the planet by increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Solar activity also warms or cools the planet by increasing or decreasing the amount of radiation reaching the Earth’s atmosphere and surface. Volcanic activity generally cools the planet over short timeframes by releasing sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, which block sunlight and reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface. However, unlike many greenhouse gases, aerosols are washed out of the atmosphere quickly, mostly after just 1-2 years. Thus the main volcanic impact on long-term temperature changes occur when there is an extended period of particularly high or low volcanic activity. Earlier this year the carbon dioxide levels reached 400 ppm (parts per million), which is double what it was 150 years ago.
    Now that took eight sentences to explain and you pretty much get an idea that global warming is caused by man and there is no other way to explain it. Unfortunately this is a time that will be known as the Oil Age. It is the richest industry this earth has ever seen and with that wealth comes power. Jim Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Environment Committee, is a republican from Oklahoma and his biggest doners are from the oil and gas industry, which basically means he could give a crap less about the Environment. It doesn't really matter how much we explain the simple concept of global warming, because they will continue to believe that if you can bring a snowball on the Senate floor, then obviously global warming can't exist.
    I do have faith that the change is coming. Maybe if we changed the slogan from "Save The Planet" to "Save Ourselves" it would have more of an impact.
