Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I definitely agree. This post "Problems we face" is very accurate. Now in days news do take a side whether if it's for democrats or republicans. And I'm sure that could go under the agenda setting theory that describes the ability of the news media to influence the way the public think. When the media focuses on just a few issues and subjects, the public tends to perceive those issues as more important. Yes, in order to become a united nation we need to stop focusing on just the minority of the people, and start thinking about the goodness of the majority. I am sure there is more than just five people out there who are in the same situation, and as long as these people who stand in the middle of both sides are willing to speak, and try to bring everyone together to make things better little by little, we will eventually influence one another, become a team, and we will be joined together politically. But if no one is willing to speak everything will remain the same as it is. It is always better to give it a shot even if the outcome turns out to be different from what was expected, rather than just leaving it as it is, and wondering what if? If we all agree to come together as it's supposed to be instead of constantly debating each other, we will become a stronger nation.

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